Ook beschikbaar in het: Dutch

Ook beschikbaar in het: Dutch

Kick your behavioral addiction in Amsterdam

We treat clients as we want to be treated ourselves

“My therapist was someone who made me feel at ease, someone who could sense what I needed, someone who could give me new insights to help me move forward. She also made me responsible for my own treatment, which made me aware of the things I needed and expected of the treatment. It was a warm and comfortable experience.”

Shared by a client who successfully completed a treatment of ours in March, 2016. Shared on the independent review site ‘Zorgkaart Nederland’.


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Zoek, vind en waardeer zorgaanbieders op ZorgkaartNederland.nl

An 8.6 on ‘Zorgkaart Nederland’

.“A very thoughtful and efficient treatment that doesn’t fall back on soft babble or impersonal protocols. 

Highly effective.”

Working, shopping, contact with others…

These are normal, required, and, if you’re lucky, satisfying aspects of life. Unfortunately, these normal activities can turn into abnormal obsessions, dominating our life.

On one hand, this is caused by ‘super versions’ of regular triggers. Online and ‘real’ excess; everything is always for sale and directly available with a credit card. We can work at any place and at any time and our availability and drive is more visible than ever; instant reactions to emails, or being the first to respond in an online work environment. Every ‘ping’ from your phone represents a promise of confirmation, attention.

Additionally, on an evolutionary level, are highly susceptible to instant gratification. Our ancestors benefitted greatly from immediately devouring any meat that happened to walk by. Somehow, all the modern-day delicacies fill that need quite well. We are programmed to want everything NOW, and LOTS of it.


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It’s as if the abundance we are surrounded by -‘we’ including our brains- makes us increasingly susceptible to triggers.

We are constantly engulfed by appetising treats, or sales, videos, and messages. If we consume it, we’ll be satisfied for a moment. But that satisfaction is short-lived and we soon yearn for the next one.

The problem is that working hard, buying more things and being in contact 24/7 with your ninehundred and eleven best friends is not actually satisfying. You’re not aware of it, you have a tendency to do the same thing even more to try and find that satisfaction that you long for. You can no longer see that you actually need to go the other way. And if you (occasionally) do see it, you’re afraid you won’t be able to do it.

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  • I do ‘it’ (shopping, working, social media, etc.) more often and longer than I want.
  • I get more and more tense until I give in to an impulse.
  • I want to change, but I can’t.
  • It takes up a lot of time and attention.
  • I can feel rushed or restless if I can’t do ‘it’.
  • My performance at work or school is suffering.
  • I have less time for sports or other fun things.
  • I sometime argue about my behavior.
  • I spend less time on friends and loved ones.
  • I sometimes feel guilty or ashamed when I’ve done it.
  • At work: I sometimes feel like it’s too much; I get exhausted.

The sooner you intervene, the better your recovery will be. We would like to help you to manage triggers, stress, work and loved ones in a different way. Call us to schedule an appointment. We can see where things are and together we will work towards exchanging your bad habit for a better one.