Ook beschikbaar in het: Dutch

Ook beschikbaar in het: Dutch

Privacy statement Kick your Habits

Within our specialist care and with our professional guidance, Kick Your Habits processes your information to provide the best care possible.

Kick Your Habits makes a large effort to handle your personal data with the utmost care, optimally protecting your rights to privacy.

In this privacy statement, Kick Your Habits describes its procedure regarding handling personal information, which rights you have, and who to contact for more information.

Kick Your Habits will always do its best to keep your personal information secure and to protect your privacy from unauthorized persons trying to access your information. Your care provider -and other care providers who may be involved with your treatment- has access to the data in your file that is necessary for an optimal treatment. All care providers are legally bound to professional confidentiality.

  1. What is personal information?

Personal information is information that makes it possible to identify you. This includes but is not limited to your name, address, date of birth, and social security number. This includes your medical information.

  1. What personal information is processed by Kick Your Habits?

Kick Your Habits processes information from clients who contact us for an intake and/or treatment. As soon as you arrive at one of our locations or plan an appointment, we note down your name, address, and phone number. We are also legally obliged to ask you for your social security number and to confirm you identity with a proof of identification. Kick Your Habits also processes information regarding your health.

  1. Why does Kick Your Habits use your information?

+ To perform the intake and/or provide you with treatment

The information processed by Kick Your Habits is primarily used to provide you with the treatment you came to us for. That means that Kick Your Habits uses the information required to give you the best possible care.

Kick Your Habits will also process your information to assess whether or not our treatments are right for you. That means that Kick Your Habits processes information required to assess whether treatment with us suits your need for treatment.

+ To inform other care providers within or outside Kick Your Habits

We can inform other care providers within or outside Kick Your Habits with the information from your file (GP/referrer). We will always ask you for your permission prior to sharing this information.

+To improve the quality of the care we provide

We also use your information during meetings, studies, and registrations that can improve the quality of the care we provide.

+ To keep the financial administration in order

One part of providing care and services includes a proper maintenance of the financial administration, so that the provided care is properly reimbursed and billed.

+ To contact you

Kick Your Habits processes personal information to contact you by phone or by email in case we have a question.

  1. Principles of collecting personal information

Kick Your Habits will only process your personal information for the above-mentioned purposes. The moment your personal information may have to be used for a different purpose, Kick Your Habits will inform you of this prior to doing so.

At that moment, you can indicate whether you want to allow this or to object against it. Your permission will be kept in your personal file. You can revoke your permission at any time, this will not affect your care and/or treatment at Kick Your Habits.

When your information has been anonymized, your permission is not needed. This is the case, for example, when using numerous registrations that are required to assess the quality of the provided care, to compare results, and to explain the treatments to insurers and government institutions.. All this data cannot be traced to a known individual: they stay anonymous.

Kick Your Habits also finds it important to refrain from collecting unnecessary and too much personal information. That is why Kick Your Habits will only ask you for the information that is required to provide you with the care you need and to answer your question.

  1. Where is the information kept?

Your information is kept in an Electronic Patient File (EPF) to provide you with the best possible care. This is also a legal requirement. In the EPF, Kick Your Habits keeps the most important information regarding your health and any studies and treatments you’ve gone through. Relevant information from your GP and/or other information from (previous) studies and treatments from other places are kept in this EPF as well.

  1. Inspecting your personal information

You have the right to ask Kick Your Habits for all the information that is kept on you.

You can request to inspect your personal information, or ask Kick Your Habits to provide you with a copy of this information. Providing you with a first copy is free. Should you ask for another copy of the information that was already provided to you, Kick Your Habits may charge you for this request.

You can ask your practitioner to inspect the information that is kept on you in the Electronic Patient File.

You can also ask for a copy of your medical file. This request can be filed in writing and then sent to the management team of Kick Your Habits.

Kick Your Habits will then process your request for inspection as quickly as possible and respond to your request in writing within four weeks.

The moment you file a request with Kick Your Habits, Kick Your Habits will ask your to identify yourself to ensure that you are the person who we have on record.

Kick Your Habits will let you know whether:

  • Kick Your Habits has used your personal information – and if yes: – which information was used; – why it was used; – who Kick Your Habits has shared the information with; – where the information comes from, if known.

If you are not in the files of Kick Your Habits, Kick Your Habits will let you know this in writing and directly remove any information you sent us with your request.

  1. Correction, limitation, removal

You can ask Kick Your Habits to correct your information. For example, if you want to receive mail or other (digital) correspondence from Kick Your Habits on another address, you can request a correction of your information. Has your last name changed? Then you can request to change your information.

Furthermore, you can request Kick Your Habits to change your information should this be incorrect or incomplete. Kick Your Habits will directly change your information accordingly.

You can request factually incorrect information (e.g. name or date of birth) in your medical file to be corrected. For other types of information, you can add a statement in your file. This statement can then be added to the information that is stored.

You can request your practitioner to correct or add to your medical file.

+ Limitation

If it is unclear whether your information may be used for the activities of Kick Your Habits or if the information is incomplete, you can ask Kick Your Habits to limit the use of this information in this period.

+ Removal

It may be so that you do not wish your personal information to be stored definitively in Kick Your Habits’ files. You reserve the right to request Kick Your Habits to remove this information. Kick Your Habits will then remove your data within a reasonable time limit, without added costs.

There are a couple of exceptions when dealing with your medical file. If your medical file contains information that has to be kept according to the law, or this information is vital to other care providers, Kick Your Habits cannot fulfill your request to completely or partially remove your medical file. Health insurers and the IRS will require some of that information, so not all of it can be destroyed.

Should Kick Your Habits be able to fulfill your request, it will remove your information within a reasonable time limit and without added costs.

You can file a request to destroy your medical file in writing to the address mentioned at the bottom of this privacy statement, directed at the management team of Kick Your Habits.

When your request has been processed, you will receive a confirmation from Kick Your Habits that your request has been processed and what course of action Kick Your Habits will take.

  1. Transferring your information

You can request Kick Your Habits to transfer your information to another care provider. Kick Your Habits will then contact this care provider and send them your medical file.

  1. Objection

Do you object against the use of your personal information? Then you can file an objection.

When you file an objection, Kick Your Habits will temporarily stop processing your personal information until the objection has been ruled on.

You can object by sending a letter to the address mentioned at the bottom of this privacy statement, directed to the functionary of information protection of Kick Your Habits, or by sending an email to: info@kickyourhabits.nl.

  1. Storing your data

Kick Your Habits won’t store your information for a longer period than is required. That means that your personal information will only be kept for as long as necessary to treat you.

Furthermore, Kick Your Habits has set clear limits on how long certain information is kept. At the end of these term limits, the information is removed.

Your medical information will initially be kept on file for 15 years. Only exceptional cases warrant a longer storage of this information.

Kick Your Habits is also bound to other legal storage term limits. These are limits imposed by virtue of tax legislation or regulations. At the end of these legal term limits, the information will be removed.

  1. Complaints and requests

Besides legal rights, you are also allowed to file a complaint or request more information from the Functionary of Information Protection of Kick Your Habits when you are not satisfied with the way your information is handled, or have a question regarding this privacy statement and how Kick Your Habits handles your information.

Should you wish to file a complaint with the Functionary of Information protection, you can write a letter to the address mentioned at the bottom of this privacy statement, directed to the Functionary of Information Protection, or by sending an email to: info@kickyourhabits.nl, directed to the Functionary of Information Protection

You also reserve the right to file a complaint wit the Authority of Personal Data. More information regarding this procedure can be found on the website of the Authority.

  1. Data leaks

Kick Your Habits maintains an active stance on finding and following up on potential data leaks and security incidents.

As part of the data security policy, Kick Your Habits has setup a protocol to follow up on possible data leaks and security incidents in a timely manner. The main goal is to guarantee the safety and protection of personal data as much as possible, and to notify everyone involved on time.

Naturally, Kick Your Habits will do everything in its power to prevent data leaks and other security incidents, and has taken the necessary technological and organizational precautions.

  1. Security

As part of the suitable technological and organization precautions, Kick Your Habits has formulated principles and guidelines and has setup numerous layers of security to protect your personal information and data. The systems of Kick Your Habits are setup in such a way that there is always a suitable level of security in place. Processes, systems, and any involved third parties work together to safeguard the security and integrity of data, including your personal information.

When third parties process personal information for Kick Your Habits, Kick Your Habits will devise so-called process agreements with these parties regarding the security of your information.

  1. Changes

This privacy statement may change over time. The moment the purposes of the processing of your personal information change, Kick Your Habits will notify you and ask you for permission if needed. Should other parts of this privacy statement change, a notification of this will be placed on the website, or you may be informed personally.

  1. General contact information

Kick Your Habits B.V. Cornelis Krusemanstraat 75 B 1075 NJ Amsterdam

Phone: 020 – 737 088 7 Email: info@kickyourhabits.nl