Help, Monday January 16 is BLUE MONDAY

Help, Monday January 16 is BLUE MONDAY

Hold on to your horses, some so-called experts call the day of tomorrow the most depressing day of the year… Spring is a long time to go, the bills of the expensive December month are clogging your mailbox, Trump is on the way, and above al…: Nog lang geen...
How to change your habits

How to change your habits

We all know it: planning to do 100 push-ups every day, starting today is a nice plan, but it’s doomed to fail. Similarly, our good resolutions to visit the gym twice a week also fail within a couple of weeks for most of us. And that hurts. Our brain is highly...
Kick off for 2017 !

Kick off for 2017 !

2017 is at your doorstep. Not a single drop of alcohol for the entire duration of January! You’ve been there, the endless debates with yourself: I’m not drinking more than 2 glasses today. I tried it yesterday, and although I failed, the least I can do is...