No more trips to the glass container thanks to Heineken!

No more trips to the glass container thanks to Heineken!

The SUB: Heineken is looking out for us! Delicious, clear Heineken is now even easier to grab. Heineken is hitching on the success of the Nespresso and has developed a design Beer-nespresso machine for at home. Also made by Krups. I can imagine that they look great...
Kick off for 2017 !

Kick off for 2017 !

2017 is at your doorstep. Not a single drop of alcohol for the entire duration of January! You’ve been there, the endless debates with yourself: I’m not drinking more than 2 glasses today. I tried it yesterday, and although I failed, the least I can do is...
Book (Dutch): Slaaf van het onbewuste (Slave to the Subconscious) / Reinout Wiers

Book (Dutch): Slaaf van het onbewuste (Slave to the Subconscious) / Reinout Wiers

Why do people use addictive substances when they know it’s bad for them? Up until recently, many people assumed that people exhibiting addictive behavior weighed the pros and cons, making addictive behavior a rational decision. But addiction should really be...