Ook beschikbaar in het: Dutch

Ook beschikbaar in het: Dutch

Blogs on addiction in Amsterdam

 “Every day I had the intention to change, but I never got to it. I got harder and harder on myself, I drank more and more.”

Phone addiction

Phone addiction

I'll be damned, the French have done it: phone addiction has been dealt a powerful a blow. From this school year onward, it's now forbidden to carry a mobile phone on your person! That applies to all students up to the age of 15, and it doesn't only apply to schools,...

Alcohol abuse? Help your GP!

Alcohol abuse? Help your GP!

There's a peculiar misconception between patients and doctors. Doctors are instructed to ask you about anything and everything if that's what it takes to come to a good diagnosis and treatment. But at the same time, doctors highly respect the privacy of their...

2 glasses of wine per day, is that too much?

2 glasses of wine per day, is that too much?

2 glasses of wine per day is too  much? How much wine can you drink? We read: 2 glasses of wine per day is too much. Especially nowadays, you'll find countless of articles on how many glasses of alcohol you're allowed to drink per week or per day. Anyone who's on...

Drinking less and other resolutions: how to stick to it?

Drinking less and other resolutions: how to stick to it?

We don't only make resolutions after New Year's Eve. After January we also tend to make some resolutions, to start drinking less, for example. But how do you make your brain cooperate when it comes to realizing these great plans?We would like nothing more than to...

A nightcap – to have or not to have?

A nightcap – to have or not to have?

Can't sleep? .'I can't fall asleep'  is a frequently occurring problem. We often try to solve it with 'a nightcap', a sip -or more- of whatever you have lying around. We think it will make us sleep better. Here are the experiences of people about Sleeping-Without:...



It turns out that mice DNA appears to be younger after half an hour of physical exertion. In short, every little bit helps! What's up with that? We've known for quite some time that exercise is good for your heart. It lowers your blood pressure, improves your...

Do men work less because of gaming?

Do men work less because of gaming?

Washing machines and vacuum cleaners allowed women in the 60s and 70s to get a job out of the house. A paper by the America National Bureau of Economics studies the hypothesis that questions whether young American males have been working less due to the attraction of...

Help, Monday January 16 is BLUE MONDAY

Help, Monday January 16 is BLUE MONDAY

Hold on to your horses, some so-called experts call the day of tomorrow the most depressing day of the year... Spring is a long time to go, the bills of the expensive December month are clogging your mailbox, Trump is on the way, and above al...: Nog lang geen...

How to change your habits

How to change your habits

We all know it: planning to do 100 push-ups every day, starting today is a nice plan, but it's doomed to fail. Similarly, our good resolutions to visit the gym twice a week also fail within a couple of weeks for most of us. And that hurts. Our brain is highly...

No more trips to the glass container thanks to Heineken!

No more trips to the glass container thanks to Heineken!

The SUB: Heineken is looking out for us! Delicious, clear Heineken is now even easier to grab. Heineken is hitching on the success of the Nespresso and has developed a design Beer-nespresso machine for at home. Also made by Krups. I can imagine that they look great...


verslavingszorg amsterdam

Temporary patient stop

We aim to limit waiting periods to 3 weeks. As soon as that is feasible again, and we have some breathing room, a registration form will appear below.

We’re developing parallel alternatives, providing you with plenty of options when you wish to change your habits.

Our good name leads to a larger reputation, which is a big compliment for us. The downside is that we need to limit the number of people that we can treat simultaneously to be able to provide the highest quality of care.

When you fill in the registration form and we’ve received the letter of referral from your GP or referring psychiatrist, we’ll discuss your case with the intake team to determine whether this is the right place for you. We will contact you about this. Important to remember: the treatment starts immediately after a positive intake and we start matching the client and practitioner, because we highly value a proper connection between us and you.



Which problems can we help you with?